1,982 research outputs found

    La Universitat publica la seua oferta cientificotècnica

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    Rotterdam Vaartenstad

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    «No me toca el corazón»: examinando las políticas para la diáspora en Galicia y el Véneto

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    En un moment en què les polítiques per a la diàspora estan en auge a escala global i la major part de les recerques estudia iniciatives generades des dels estats nació, aquest article examina les polítiques per a la diàspora desplegades des d'una escala més petita. Prenent com a estudis de casos les mesures de dues regions d'Espanya i Itàlia (Galícia i el Vèneto), s’analitzen els antecedents, les característiques, les motivacions i l’evolució de les polítiques regionals per a la diàspora i se n’exploren algunes conseqüències. L’article adopta la perspectiva de l’antropologia de les polítiques per analitzar les polítiques per a la diàspora, i explora les seves conseqüències a partir d’un treball etnogràfic que incorpora les narracions de dues generacions de migrants que poden categoritzar-se com a diàspora. Es revela un increment del llenguatge economicista en les polítiques i un escàs interès cap a aquestes per part dels migrants entrevistats.At a time when diaspora policies are on the rise globally and most research is focusing attention on initiatives developed by nation-states, this paper examines diaspora mechanisms generated on a smaller scale. Taking the diaspora policies implemented by two regions of Spain and Italy (Galicia and Veneto) as case studies, this paper analyzes the premises, characteristics, motivations, and evolution of these initiatives and explores some of their consequences. The paper employs an anthropology of policy lens to analyze diaspora policies. An ethnographic approach is used to explore some of the consequences of diaspora policies by examining the narratives of two generations of migrants who can be categorized as diaspora. An increase in the economic language of policies and little interest towards diaspora policies among migrants are revealed.En un momento en que las políticas para la diáspora están en auge a escala global y la mayor parte de las investigaciones estudia iniciativas generadas desde los estados nación, este artículo examina las políticas para la diáspora desplegadas desde una escala más pequeña. Tomando como estudios de casos las medidas de dos regiones de España e Italia (Galicia y el Véneto), se analizan los antecedentes, las características, las motivaciones y la evolución de las políticas regionales para la diáspora y se exploran algunas de sus consecuencias. El artículo adopta la perspectiva de la antropología de las políticas para analizar las políticas para la diáspora, y explora sus consecuencias a partir de un trabajo etnográfico que incorpora las narraciones de dos generaciones de migrantes que pueden categorizarse como diáspora. Se revela un incremento del lenguaje economicista en las políticas y un escaso interés hacia las mismas por parte de los migrantes entrevistados

    Patagonia, Land of Nomads: A Glance at a Territory Shaped by Displacement

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    By the end of the nineteenth century, as global voyages became popular, and transcontinental empires settled, remote corners of the third world such as Patagonia began to be explored and became the subject of European travel literatures. The opening of this region to the global scenario produced profound transformations in its territorial conformation, poetic imaginary, and local culture. As Patagonia became a land of travellers, local nomads which had inhabited this land for centuries became extinguished. The historical context of this re-shaping is conceptualised in literary theory through notions such as nomadism, elaborated by Gilles Deleuze and its aesthetical counterpart, geo-poetics, by Kenneth White. The travel literature about Patagonia, such as that produced by Charles Darwin, Lady Florence Dixie, and Bruce Chatwin, depicts the difficulties these travellers faced in trying to endow their writings of adequate descriptions and images. Instead, they recurred to images from their homeland, and thus created an imaginary of Patagonia through displacement: their own, and that of images brought by themselves to this land. When Chilean poets like Gabriela Mistral and Pablo Neruda begun to write about Patagonia, they found it already populated by strange images, shaped indeed, by nomads, travellers and dis-located identities

    Calidad de vida en pacientes con tumores cerebrales

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    ELeCTRA: Induced Usage Limitations Calculation in RESTful APIs

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    As software architecture design is evolving to microservice paradigms, RESTful APIs become the building blocks of applications. In such a scenario, a growing market of APIs is proliferating and developers face the challenges to take advantage of this reality. For example, third-party APIs typically define different usage limitations depending on the purchased Service Level Agreement (SLA) and, consequently, performing a manual analysis of external APIs and their impact in a microservice architecture is a complex and tedious task. In this demonstration paper, we present ELeCTRA, a tool to automate the analysis of induced usage limitations in an API, derived from its usage of external APIs. This tool takes the structural, conversational and SLA specifications of the API, generates a visual dependency graph and translates the problem into a constraint satisfaction optimization problem (CSOP) to obtain the optimal usage limitations.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2015-70560-RJunta de Andalucía P12–TIC–1867Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2014-53986-REDTMinisterio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte FPU15/0298

    Social Interactions and Subjective Well-Being: Evidence from Latin America

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    In this paper, we seek to examine the effect of comparisons and social capital on subjective well-being. Furthermore, we test if, through social influence and exposure, social capital is either an enhancer or appeaser of the comparison effect. Using the Latinobarómetro Survey (2007) we find that in contrast to most previous studies, the comparison effect on well-being is positive; that is, the better others perform, the happier the individual is. We also find that social capital is among the strongest correlates of individuals’ subjective well-being in Latin American countries. Furthermore, our findings suggest that social contacts may enhance the comparison effect on individual’s happiness, which is more intense for those who perform worse in their reference group.comparison effect, social capital, subjective well-being, social interactions